I’m kind of amazed I’ve never made this connection before, it seems so obvious.

I was put on the pill at the age of 14 to “fix my skin”, very common amongst my peers then (I wonder if it is still the same?). It never occurred to me/my parents to question whether it was a good idea to shut down a normal bodily function for the ‘appearance’ of clear skin/health. Never mind that I subsequently developed varicose veins, leg pains, chronic migraines and escalating anxiety. The connection to the pill was never made. It was only after my migraines became seriously debilitating 10 years later, and I suggested to my gynae at the time that maybe there was a link to the pill, that she agreed that some pills were contraindicated in migraine sufferers (but maybe I could try the mini progestin only pill!). That was the beginning of the end of my belief in and adherence to a medicalised world view.

It took another many years to learn to respect and revere my female body for its life giving properties, and I can only be grateful that my daughters will not have to travel the same path that I did.

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I had not thought of this obvious connection between the Pill and transgenderism. Thank you for pointing it out. Evil, if not rejected, always multiplies and becomes rampant.

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The chapter with this idea was one of my favorites in Favale's "The Genesis of Gender"

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“As a result, health can now be defined as a displacement of our normal physiology.”

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Allow me to suggest three other considerations: 1) the extent to which the use of the Pill correlates with the decline in male fertility and testosterone. It is not good for men either (and the males of other species), who live within a miasma of environmentally persistent synthetic hormones.

3) The effect of the Pill upon stagnating wages. By driving women into the workforce (homemaking made redundant by chemistry) the pool of workers vastly increased, keeping wages low and profits high. The economics of contraception are often little considered.

3) Note that it took only a few short years of intense propaganda to convince enough people that what had been widely understood to be a class of human beings -children in the womb- were no longer human. The pattern is being woven again, as euthanasia is being increasingly promoted. First sold as "mercy" and "freedom" later it will be pushed by moral censure and finally it will be mandated for much of the population, as the Final Solution to the problem of unfunded retirement/health care mandates.

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What a beautiful, timely piece-- thank you!

This reminds me a bit of Dr. Carrie Gress' writings and work. Are you familiar with her? She wrote "The Anti Mary Exposed," and her recent book, "The End of Woman," I think deals with quite a bit of what you're saying here.

I think the real tragedy is that while our culture remains in agony over these hard realities, to do what is necessary and right remains so scary for most people. Many of us (myself for a long time) are programmed and more indebted to being liked socially instead of taking on the bold mantle of living in a rightly ordered fashion.

My husband and I have had four babies in the span of five and a half years, and with each pregnancy announcement people have expressed their own distain or perhaps it a discomfort with the reality that we don't use birth control. People seem to be looking for permission, not recognizing that God has given it to us all along.

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Yes, I read the Anti-Mary Exposed and thought it was very insightful. I may disagree with Gress' assertions that the first-wave feminists were unilaterally evil or demonically inspired, but her diagnosis of the culture is correct.

Good for you on persisting with having children. Yes, there is a particular disgust for families of four children or more that even I notice — and I don't have kids.

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Yessss! Beautifully, succinctly put! And I love Favale’s book “Genesis of Gender”!

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What a banger 💯

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Exactly what I was thinking about, and very well expressed! Thank you, Haley.

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What is a woman who knows her limitations?


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Yes! It is an obvious connection.

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