A few thoughts that kept running through my head as I read this insightful and thoughtful piece…your points about the superficiality of modern masculinity and the impact of pornographic underpinnings to everything in society are spot on.
But what kept surfacing for me is that women cannot tell men how to be masculine. This is a hangover of second wave feminism in many ways and is maternalistic and almost condescending. It’s a continuation of how we have been treating men for decades, telling them exactly how we want them to be. To pull in a euphemism from porn (and not to be gross but to be illustrative), it’s a form of topping from the bottom.
You are correct that true masculinity has depth, humility, communion with God and it isn’t these superficial markers that could be made into a checklist.
I don’t think that we need to catastrophize that women will be put back decades and forced to be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. I think there is a bit of snap back effect happening however many women are much more experienced now and I believe and have hope in the fact that we can all land in a more evolved state.
The only true 'renaissance' for men (as for women) is to come to know Christ. I say 'Christ' rather than a particular Christian church because churches often display all too human features - feminist women priests, over-patriarchal dads etc.
To encounter Christ is to meet true masculinity: strength, gentleness, courage, endurance, self- sacrifice. These are the virtues men seek without knowing it.
A few thoughts that kept running through my head as I read this insightful and thoughtful piece…your points about the superficiality of modern masculinity and the impact of pornographic underpinnings to everything in society are spot on.
But what kept surfacing for me is that women cannot tell men how to be masculine. This is a hangover of second wave feminism in many ways and is maternalistic and almost condescending. It’s a continuation of how we have been treating men for decades, telling them exactly how we want them to be. To pull in a euphemism from porn (and not to be gross but to be illustrative), it’s a form of topping from the bottom.
You are correct that true masculinity has depth, humility, communion with God and it isn’t these superficial markers that could be made into a checklist.
I don’t think that we need to catastrophize that women will be put back decades and forced to be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. I think there is a bit of snap back effect happening however many women are much more experienced now and I believe and have hope in the fact that we can all land in a more evolved state.
If it’s not dripping with hope, it’s not God.
Is it a renaissance? I wonder.
The only true 'renaissance' for men (as for women) is to come to know Christ. I say 'Christ' rather than a particular Christian church because churches often display all too human features - feminist women priests, over-patriarchal dads etc.
To encounter Christ is to meet true masculinity: strength, gentleness, courage, endurance, self- sacrifice. These are the virtues men seek without knowing it.