It’s hard to know how to lead a good life. Very few are willing to share their wisdom and hold themselves accountable for sharing.

Do this. It will be hard. But it will resonate and feel right.

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Like you said in your post on unmedicated birth- which I partially agree with you about- but your underlying point is very valid- constantly trying to protect everyone’s feelings obscures truth. As much as sparing people’s feelings is a value, sharing truth also is.

I do feel that people from different faith traditions can share a common bond of answering the same questions even if the answers are different. Searching for truth, valuing sacrifice, long-term thinking. It’s something we have in common.

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This is my piece if you should choose to read it.

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Really beautiful piece! Totally agree with you - the lack of interventions in birth is the key to unmedicated birth, not just suffering for suffering’s sake.

However, as someone who does struggle with pain conditions, I think it is okay if you do derive meaning from your suffering. I certainly do — I believe that my suffering can redeem others if I can offer my pain to God like Jesus did.

With that being said, I’m not above pain medication when I need to function in my life and for others.

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Personally, (not related to my article) my reticence to epidurals comes from a lot of research about what it does to mothers and babies.

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